Course Category: Software Development
Course Duration: 4 Days
Hours: 28 Contact Hours
Select your country to access the registration page
Duration: 4 Days
Timing: 9 AM to 5 PM Malaysia Time
Duration: 4 Days
Timing: 9 AM to 5 PM Philippine Time
Duration: Duration: 4 Days
Timing: 9 AM to 5 PM Singapore Time
All Other Locations
Duration: 4 Days
Timing: 9 AM to 5 PM Philippines/Singapore/Hong Kong Time
Course Background
JavaScript is considered among the most popular programming language. It is one of the core technologies of the web.
This intermediate level course commences with language building blocks and introduces participants to advanced topics. The course objective is that attendees attain confidence and proficiency to write practically useful code using JavaScript.
The teaching approach is largely workshop based with extensive hands-on using a demo code.
Program is primarily for developers who are starting with JavaScript.
Participant has beginner level knowledge of any other Object-Oriented language like Java, C#, C++, Python etc. No prior knowledge of JavaScript is required.
Software Requirements
Visual Studio Code or any other IDE supporting Javascript Node with Yarn
- JavaScript and Usage
- Specs
- VS Code and Dev Tools
- Hello, World!
- Comments
- Statements and Expressions
- Execution Model
- Strict
- Variables
- Numbers, Strings
- Objects
- Arrays
- Type Conversion
- Operators
- Looping and Branching
- Functions
- Logging and Debugging
- Exceptions
- Modules
- Export and Import
- Dynamic Import
- Key methods
- Iterables
- Map
- Set
- Assignment
- Date and Time
- Json
- Recursion
- Spread
- Scope
- var vs let
- Global Object
- Named
- new Function
- Arrow Function
- Currying
- Scheduling call
- Decorators & Forwarding
- Call, Apply, Bind
Objects and Classes
- Getters and Setters
- Prototype
- Class and Inheritance
- Static, Private, Protected
- Extend Built-in
- Checking Class
Training and Exam Duration
- Underscore library
- Keyword this
- WeakMap
- WeakSet
- Closure
- Property Flags
- Descriptors
- Mixins
- Generators
- Callback & Promise
- Chaining
- Exception with Promises
- Async/Await
- Async Iteration and Generations
- Proxy and Reflect
- Eval
- Event Loop
- Transpiling
- Garbage Collection
- Polyfills
Javascript in Browser
- Environment
- Scripts
- Specs
- DOM Tree
- Managing DOM
- Nodes, Attributes, Properties
- Key API
- Events and Handlers
- Bubbling, Capturing, Delegation
- Events – Mouse etc, Forms, Page
- Custom Events
- Selection
- Ajax and Fetch
- Cookies
- Storage
- Files
- Intro to Animation
- Intro to WebSockets
- Intro to Web Components
- Intro to React
- Intro to NodeJS
- Intro to Testing with Mocha, Chai
- Intro to Mocking
- Intro to BDD
Course Category: Software Development
Course Duration: 4 Days
Hours: 28 Contact Hours